Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Na Na Na Na NaNa, You Say It's Your Birthday!

It's my Maid-of-Honor's B-day today!!!!!

Ain't she pretty? I'm well aware that I am going to be TOTALLY upstaged by all my beautiful bridesmaids and handsome bride's men - but I'm ok with that :)

Miss Annie is not only a stone cold fox - she's also been my roomie twice, in fact she was my FIRST ever roommate in the house [dorm] that I live in still [Howard Mouse Fo' Life!]
Annie is a dear, she's sweet, she's funny, she's so darn lovable and she's the best listener/advice giver ever - so clear-headed and mature - but also immature at the best times ;)

I'll never forget 
~ her crazy wrestling fights with Brittany going on either in our room or loudly in the hallway - I always felt so helpless, watching her get dominated like that [I hear she's making a comeback these days :) we shall see during wedding times]
~ how she was always willing to watch a show with me instead of doing homework [our grades may or may not have suffered....]
~ how she dealt smashingly with me during my most emotional and dramatic outbursts during college
~ how she inspired me to actually get ready for school - rather than just roll out of bed - essentially Annie taught me how to be a girl - in the best sense
~ she's the Southern softy to my Northern hardness [must be the cold...]
and ~ she likes tea dates just as much as me [cause like Carolyn and I - she's a lady!]

[with our oh so beautiful RC at the time!]

Annie is one of those people I'm so grateful to have known and can't imagine college life 
[and now life in general!] without her

It was a tough time thinking of who the heck would be my MOH [I can call it that right??] along with my sister Monica - the Matron of Honor [married!] 
I love all my friends so much it felt weird picking "a favorite"- but I had to stop thinking of it like that - once I made a list of the qualities I wanted this girl to express 
it became very clearly - Annie

Annie - I love you have a fabulous birthday and week 
[I believe b-days should last a week, maybe even month - heck I call "November" my birthday] 
I hope it goes something like this:

Love Always, Lucia :)

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