Thursday, July 14, 2011


So I got a little cocky after I stepped into a dry cleaners and turned in THREE items of clothing to be cleaned.... finally... gross. Well I was feeling all awesome and like I was finally a member of "The Grown-Up Club"..........

And then I saw this on my ticket [also I made it snazzy for you readers :P]:
The total is $33.40!?!?!
Thats like a whole new EXPENSIVE shirt that I could have gotten myself
I guess it's not cheap to be a full-fledged adult, huh?
Bummers - Oh well I will have a clean dress and pencil skirts as soon as I get my paycheck!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My Wednesday Morning....

"AHHH!!!! What the?!?!"


[after minutes of searching]

"................. oh"

Happy that Wednesday is over :)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I have NO respect for my hair whatsoever....

Not even a smidgen of respect or any real care for it. 
In fact it almost seems like I hate it...
Other than the fact that I say "I hate my hair" like its my daily mantra
If you leave me alone with it for too long I'll take a pair of sharp [or not] scissors and chop it!!!

So thats what i did tonight....

I mean, I was wearing my hair down - an EXTREMELY rare occurence - and i didn't like it
so I went into my roomie's drawers and found her scissors, went into the bathroom,
found a "hair catcher"....
Paradise Bakery bag..... gross huh?? :P

Then I grabbed the chunks of hair I didn't like and cut 'em loose!!
The entire process including the thought put into it - about 2-3 minutes....
What can I say, I'm like an animal! Or a caveman - I like caveman :)

Oh yeah and I used my camera as a "back of the head checker" and it was quite helpful....
don't worry about that little guy - i got rid of that little guy :)

I'm gonnu go celebrate my new free haircut with some Red Mango
Peace out suckas!!