Wednesday, March 9, 2011

It's Her BIRTHDAY!!!

If I time this right, this post at exactly 12:01am Melbourne, Australia time!
You guessed it - it's my sister NATALIE'S B-DAY!!!


I so hope you know how much your dumb little sister adores you :) 

Here's Why:

* She's always doing crazy cool things with her crazy cool hair
[ex: short, really short, buzzed, hot pink, purple, blond, orange (people don't forget :P) and brown!]

 *I try really hard to be kinda like her :)
It started when I was in elementary school - i realized she was SO beautiful and 
that I too would like to be SO beautiful - so I proceeded to try on all her clothes and "test" 
out all her makeup [mostly just to do Queen Amidala stuff...] whenever she left the house

* She's Funny
Like REALLY funny - I mean come on! 
She introduced me to Dane Cook, and along with my other sister Monica, 
can say jokes that leave me in tears. Every funny thing in my 
life probably goes back to Natalie introducing me
to it somehow, its crazay

* Like I said before - She's Beautiful!!
She got a lot of our parents' good genes - moving me to incredible jealousy

* We have fun :)
Caity's not in this picture, but when we all get together - the Rooker Sisters have some good times 
And i miss them all a lot [sniff sniff] A LOT!

* She took me to my first live action pro-football game [CHARGERS!! vs. Denver]
She doesn't get to hear how often I brag about that to my friends
and how much it has affected my team loyalty...

PS: our team won, woo!

* She lives in Australia now
Which I am totally fine with
[until i get bored, sad, lonely, hungry, or needy for sister-time...]

* She goes EVERYWHERE!!!
This is Natalie in Thailand - she had a blast. Plus being in the Navy - she's gone pretty 
much everywhere else - she's a citizen of the World!

* She's kinda like a modern day superhero - I think
[this is me and her in Seattle - looking epic]
She's so smart and can do....... yeah, she can do everything!

Natalie is Awesome - and I hope this is sufficient for a b-day gift to her because 
I can't afford to do anything else :P But I love the girl and hope that she has a 
really fantastic Birthday - She deserves it hard core :)

I love you lots NATALIE!!!

here's a song you like :)

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