Thursday, December 15, 2011

4 Finals Down - Finalizing Capstone To Go!

My experience at this college is a couple hours from being complete!

post-script: I can't wait to brag to you guys about the presents 
I received from my wonderful advisor :)

here's some hints:

post-post-script: Man I hope this capstone paper comes out well
a lot of blood, sweat and tears went into it 
[maybe not tears, unless it was me crying about not getting any sleep....]

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Capstone Update: Part III


Page Count - 31 pages [awww yeah]
Footnotes - i have no idea anymore, sent it and closed it
How do i feel about the paper - it's probably really bad..... i still have time to edit, at least it's all out there
Last intake of food - never - dorito's and ice-cream at 2 in the morning gave me a bit of a stomach ache :(
How's my body - back feels totally broken
Freak out - when the file was so large [45 pages total including images and bibliography] that the email could not handle loading it and took like 3 minutes...... thats FOREVER to a sleep deprived student at 6 in the morning

I'm gonnu go zonk out now :)

Capstone Update: Part II

I would so much like to be asleep right now.....

So far:

Page Count - almost 15 pages single-spaced [and only have about 4 more paragraphs to complete]
Footnotes - 37
Awakeness - I accidentally closed my eyes for about 5 minutes

Last food intake - a few ranch doritos, and only one ice-cream 
[yep the other one is now totally melted]
Last fun activity - watched 5 minutes of Shrek before I finished my snack 
and had to keep writing
Last exposure to extreme cold - walking to the bathroom 
[someone must've left a window open, grrrrr]
Current Hairstyle - smooshed into my pillow backrest [hence no picture]
Last Freak Out - eating a dorito with no stuff on it, enraging because it doesn't become a tortilla chip.... it just becomes, gross
Predicted reaction to a spontaneous hard drive crash - I'd put myself to sleep [to end my misery AND get some shut eye]

Capstone Status: Part I

I can't fall asleep......
So my plan is to update the blog every two hours so that I hold myself 
accountable for what I've done

So far:

Page Count - 13 pages single-spaced [must be at least 30 pages double-spaced]
Footnotes - 32

Awakeness --------->
(not good)

[haven't eaten photographed goodies yet]

Last food intake - Supper (burrito)
Last fun activity - watched "The Office" whilst eating said burrito
Last exposure to extreme cold - 5 minutes ago when I walked to C-Store to get tasty treats
Current Hairstyle - bun on the top of my head
(cause when I catch a glimpse in the mirror I laugh a little)
Last Freak Out - finding all my stupid grammar mistakes and disorganization issues while I work.... knowing my advisor has a copy of this dubbed "I'm An Idiot Paper"
Predicted reaction to a spontaneous hard drive crash - I'd cry until Sunday

That's all I can think about with my updates
plus the mini-ice-creams are melting....

Friday, December 9, 2011

Felt like an old fart...

when I had to look up the meaning of "TTC" that I had seen in someone's comment to something or other - my thinking being that I was just simply not catching up with all these "crazy kids" and their "crazy lingo"...... only to find out:

TTC stands for "Trying to Conceive"....

so I'm not an old fart AND I'm not trying to get pregnant - YAY!!!

feeling much better :)

:( until I realize sadly that I'm posting at midnight when I should be desperately trying to finish my capstone so I can actually have a weekend - going back to work on it riiiiight NOW!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Last Day of School this Wednesday!!!!

I'm done with the college at 12:30pm on Wednesday December 14th
..... which means I have no time to post [if you haven't noticed]

also I look like this all the time while I write my capstone in bed:

Nice, right?

I just can't wait to be done!!!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Dear Doug,

I promise here and now to never call you "Husband" [once I'm allowed to ;)] on this blog
as in "Husband and I went to the creperie" 
or "isn't Husband cute doing that cute thing he's doing"
or anything like that

I think the blogworld has reached its limit on women who do that
.... in fact its wayyyy past capacity

I do reserve the right to say things in the realm of "my [husband] is the best [husband] out there"
or something of the like
but I won't attach the word to you as if its your name - like your a piece of meat :P
I can think of way better names like HamBone, or Rip Steak Face, 
or Gristle McThornbody, or Brave Brick'o'Meat..... oooooooh, these actually
 make you sound like a piece of meat...

You get it Doug, you got a name and I intend to use it!

Love, Lucia 

ps: Thanksgiving break can't come fast enough - I will take up my sister's offer and 
catch the 6:45am bus down to StL just so I don't have to be here any longer

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Introducing from Dr. Pepper: Sexism!

Huh.... here I was yesterday watching hulu and multitasking like a beast - when I was slapped in the face by an ad from my most favorite soda - Dr. Pepper - for their new drink Dr. Pepper 10. Don't get me wrong, I like the Old Spice commercials and that one with the guy beating up a squid or something - but this is on a completely different level - because it's offensive

I'll lay out some of the typical responses to this:

1) "It's just a joke"

Which is what 'women suck, brutish manly men are awesome'??? 
I don't get the joke.... sue me

2) "Secret brand deodorant ads and tampon commercials are just for women - you don't see men getting all uppity about that"

Yes everyone, women NEED these things, no one NEEDS soda, there's not even anything in this drink that makes it "Male Specific." Tampons aren't some awesome product that companies decided to 'aim heavily towards women' like this new soda is - tampons are ACTUALLY ONLY FOR WOMEN

3) "What's SOOO bad about it?"

Oh I don't know, let's replace 'Not for Women' with something like 'Not for Asians' or 'Not for the Handicapped' - because that is equally as ridiculous and offensive as those specifications are - again there are no ingredients that make this bad or harmful to other groups - this is just advertising at its worst, playing to the Group Think or Mop Mentality of men, giving them a "Gentlemen's Club" to be 'manly' in, alienate others and joke about how silly women are....... 

4) "Perhaps the campaign is trying to entice you as a woman to try the product, as a way to 'stick it to 'em'"

- I didn't play baseball for ten years because someone told 
me I couldn't because of my gender - I just did
- I don't like action movies because I've been told I'm not 
supposed to - I just do
- Everything I am - whether it's masculine or feminine is 
because I JUST AM - not because someone told me I 
had to or couldn't

While I'm sure putting up barriers for women make them want to break them down - but why do we have to put them up in the first place? Why not just let men and women do what they want and what they can - without attaching a certain stigma to everything

Those who are brave break the "gender rules" every single day - I'd like to just see 
no more gender rules - what good do they do?

I think this petition sums up things far better than I can:
[feel free to sign it if you'd like]

"Why This Is Important"
To appeal to men, Dr Pepper Ten completely revamped their marketing strategy from Diet Dr Pepper. Dr Pepper Ten has calories and sugar unlike its diet counterpart. Instead of the “dainty tan bubbles” on the diet can, Ten will be wrapped in gunmetal grey packaging with silver bullets. And while Diet Dr Pepper's marketing is women-friendly, the ad campaign for Ten goes out of its way to alienate and denigrate women.
For instance, there's a Dr Pepper Ten Facebook page for men only. I had to create a new Facebook page indicating I’m a guy to even view the content. It includes games and videos aimed at being "manly." There's a “manly shooting gallery” where men have “23 seconds to take out all the girlie stuff” with the directions of, “If it’s girlie shoot it – if it’s manly avoid it.” There’s a gun scope view on a pair of red high heels and then “girlie” items like lipstick, flowers, rainbows and unicorns flash by cowboy hats, hammers and little plastic toy soldiers. I purposely didn’t shoot anything to see how the game ended. I was confronted with a message; “This shooting gallery is no place for a woman like you.”
There’s also a “Man-cronym” section that allows male users to create female bashing acronyms on “manly” type words such as Golf – Guys Outside Lady Free by Andrew V. According to Ryan S Bold stands for Boycott Old Lady Drinks and Manly stands for Men Acting Nobly Ladies Yawn.
TV commercials are heavy on the machismo, too including one spot that shows muscular men in the jungle battling snakes and bad guys. "Hey ladies. Enjoying the film? Of course not. Because this is our movie and this is our soda," a manly man says as he attempts to pour the soda into a glass during a bumpy ATV ride. "You can keep the romantic comedies and lady drinks. We're good."
Jim Trebilcock, executive vice president of marketing for Dr Pepper, said he's not worried about offending women with the campaign. The drink and marketing were tested in six different markets across the country before being rolled out nationally, and women weren't offended, he said. Jim Trebilcock states 40% of people who have tried the soda so far are women.
"Women get the joke," he said. "'Is this really for men or really for women?' is a way to start the conversation that can spread and get people engaged in the product."
In 2005, 1,181 women were murdered by an intimate partner. That's an average of three women every day. Of all the women murdered in the U.S., about one-third were killed by an intimate partner. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about 4.8 million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year. According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, which includes crimes that were not reported to the police, 232,960 women in the U.S. were raped or sexually assaulted in 2006. That's more than 600 women every day. Other estimates, such as those generated by the FBI, are much lower because they rely on data from law enforcement agencies. A significant number of crimes are never even reported for reasons that include the victim's feeling that nothing can/will be done. According to the Family Violence Prevention Fund, "growing up in a violent home may be a terrifying and traumatic experience that can affect every aspect of a child's life, growth and development. . . . children who have been exposed to family violence suffer symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. In addition, women who experience physical abuse as children are at a greater risk of victimization as adults, and men have a far greater (more than double) likelihood of perpetrating abuse.
Advertising such as this only further exploits and demeans women – as the Facebook app does not allow women to view, the “games” are all aimed and shooting and destroying anything relating to women, and the campaign’s messaging overall speaks to degrade women. There is no different between Dr Pepper’s Ten marketing campaign messaging and the Milk Board’s Everything I Do Is Wrong Campaign. Both ad campaigns are equally sexist. The only thing this type of misogynistic messaging does – it further the divide between men and women.

....Violence, division and gender parochialism
This is not ok, we can't do this anymore

I'm honestly done drinking anything from Dr. Pepper and its affiliates - I can drink water 
when I go out - how healthy and 'girly' that is of me.....

[sorry this was long winded - but this stuff needs to be out there - no more group think!]

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Last night....

After my nth time eating Taco Bell for supper when I came down to StL
I asked Doug if he thinks I'll ever stop loving my most favorite restaurant 

He says yes
I say... he's WRONG!!!

We probably have a good 80+ years to find out who's right :)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Sneaky Peekies

These are from our "Engagement Photo Sesh" with our good friend 
Brett Banning
[future famous graphic designer slash photographer slash editor]

I realized two things during this day:
1) I don't like taking pictures [clearly]
2) I don't like being PDA-ey.....

These are both two VERY important and necessary traits to have while taking engagement photos
and for that I apologize for the following........ how 'bout just look at Doug - he looks smashing :)
Here's a couple:

[no, I am not 3 ft short and no, Doug is not 7 ft tall - though this does make Lord of the Rings' trick photography make a lot more sense to me....]

Ha! This picture's called: "We're Serious!"
and was followed by me cracking up or making a face....

Soooo, Doug is way better at all this than I am
Brett is REALLY good at making pictures look cool - they looked super lame before he got 
his hands on them. He made a little magic with a typical digital camera, genius.
I need to learn how to take a schmoopy photo. I need some more, what's it called, Maturity!


3 Month Countdown!

{sorry for the lousy quality - can't find my camera!}

[this is one of our magnet save the dates that we painted on ourselves one day - they're all different ..... we hope to get them out to everyone before the invitations go out - finger's crossed]

Thursday, November 3, 2011


I'd like us to have one of those big, sturdy, rugged, wooden tables


And have candlelit dinners on them - rustic ones

With a wooden bench on one side...

And high back chairs on the other [I may or may not have stolen the idea from my future Auntie Peggy.... but I don't think she'll mind :)]

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Na Na Na Na NaNa, You Say It's Your Birthday!

It's my Maid-of-Honor's B-day today!!!!!

Ain't she pretty? I'm well aware that I am going to be TOTALLY upstaged by all my beautiful bridesmaids and handsome bride's men - but I'm ok with that :)

Miss Annie is not only a stone cold fox - she's also been my roomie twice, in fact she was my FIRST ever roommate in the house [dorm] that I live in still [Howard Mouse Fo' Life!]
Annie is a dear, she's sweet, she's funny, she's so darn lovable and she's the best listener/advice giver ever - so clear-headed and mature - but also immature at the best times ;)

I'll never forget 
~ her crazy wrestling fights with Brittany going on either in our room or loudly in the hallway - I always felt so helpless, watching her get dominated like that [I hear she's making a comeback these days :) we shall see during wedding times]
~ how she was always willing to watch a show with me instead of doing homework [our grades may or may not have suffered....]
~ how she dealt smashingly with me during my most emotional and dramatic outbursts during college
~ how she inspired me to actually get ready for school - rather than just roll out of bed - essentially Annie taught me how to be a girl - in the best sense
~ she's the Southern softy to my Northern hardness [must be the cold...]
and ~ she likes tea dates just as much as me [cause like Carolyn and I - she's a lady!]

[with our oh so beautiful RC at the time!]

Annie is one of those people I'm so grateful to have known and can't imagine college life 
[and now life in general!] without her

It was a tough time thinking of who the heck would be my MOH [I can call it that right??] along with my sister Monica - the Matron of Honor [married!] 
I love all my friends so much it felt weird picking "a favorite"- but I had to stop thinking of it like that - once I made a list of the qualities I wanted this girl to express 
it became very clearly - Annie

Annie - I love you have a fabulous birthday and week 
[I believe b-days should last a week, maybe even month - heck I call "November" my birthday] 
I hope it goes something like this:

Love Always, Lucia :)

Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Day PLUS Me Dressing Up Equals My Increased Ability to Eat Candy

I have brown fuzzy gloves
[Doug calls them my Fozzy Bear gloves]
I have brown cloths
and hair-ties
and makeup


Yum, yum, yum :)

*Happy Halloween Everyone*

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Malnutrition of College Students: A Close Study

I already told one friend about this, but I feel like I should tell the world

This is what I had for dinner Wednesday night:
Wasn't feelin' the pizza that night so I opted for a to go container of.....

then popped in to the C-Store and picked up two cheesesticks.....

these two foods look gross together AND taste gross together. Needless to say I got through about 5 gherkins and one cheesestick before I realized how sick it was
and that this was not a real meal....

I can't wait to buy my own food and never have this kind of thing as a meal option ever again!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Today I Cried....

From looking at too many pictures of Paris:

So I shan't be doing that again
[stupid capstone topic being about a FRENCH artist leading me to sites like these]

I've also been a little on edge all week since we've been watching "Hotel Rawanda" in my PoliSci class since Monday :( wonderful movie, just a lot to take in, a lot to ponder and think of what to do next, where to go from here....

ps: I'll save my "Why Lucia's Not Allowed in Europe Anymore" story for another time, when I have more than 2 minutes to post something

Can I Start Listening to This Yet???

Probably not during spooky scary time.... but once November 1st hits this will be on full blast!

[it doesn't count that throughout the year I watch the movie if I can't fall asleep
because thats strictly for sedative purposes...]

What's nice to know is I have birthday month to look forward to
Christmas month after that
gottu get through boring January
Then it's our Wedding :)
followed by Super Bowl hopefully between the Patriots and the Bears

Life is SOOOO good right now

Monday, October 24, 2011

Apple Picking at Eckerts Farm

Sunday we went apple picking.... and by apple picking I mean we got so grossed out by the apples left over this late into October that we decide to just stroll through the orchard
and bought some apple cider in the store - Aaaaaamazing
a caramel apple covered in Reese's pieces - my choice, also amazing
and some warm cinnamon crusted pecans - Doug's choice, best toasted pecans we've ever had

It was a gorgeous day, no coat necessary, and we probably had the most super fall weekend anyone could have this week. I can't wait for this next one! All I'm sure of is that we're going to see "Anonymous" and I am super stoked

ps: paying my $10.10 fine from the library tonight so I can start checking out books again - everyone calm down its from like 3 years - all it shows is how much I love books.... and suck at returning them


I'd like to have a ladder in our library....

I think they're lovely - allows for many books, little interesting things,
and ability to easily dust the books and things :)

I would even settle for one in the kitchen I think

Someday :)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Saturday Night - aka: Halloween Time begins

.... ok to be honest halloween time started about the same time I drove myself all the way to Target last weekend just to get a bag of candy corn..... for myself..... and nothing else
it also kinda started when Doug and I watched "28 Days Later..." [zombie movie - brilliant zombie movie] earlier this week

but it FOR REAL started this weekend because Doug and I carved pumpkins :)

Not to toot my own horn... but I take pumpkin carving pretty seriously, Exhibit A:
which led to...
Yes I absolutely made my pumpkin look like Darth Vader!!
thats what weirdo nerds do...
This was 2008, the last time I got to carve a pumpkin, and with my baby sister Caitlin! [HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY BUBBY GIRL!!!! I love you so darn much!]

To my shock, disbelief, stupefaction and great surprise - Doug had NEVER carved pumpkins before..... the lunacy!!
We remedied that this Saturday - while we watched "Shaun of the Dead" :)

Here's our handiwork:
[someone's got Xmas on the brain....]
I think he had fun :)
This was quite a night of grilling, mild thievery [the pumpkin patch wasn't necessarily open when we got there, but we left a note with the total in cash for the pumpkins we took.... we hope they find it under that pumpkin....], pumpkin smell all throughout the house, joking, candy corn and cupcakes!


It was a great night, followed by a great Sunday of apple picking! [pickies to follow]


Thursday, October 20, 2011


This past weekend I opted to go to Homecoming sans Doug
I figured it was my last one ever to go to
I have ALL these pretty dresses in my closet just waiting to be worn ;)
and my supah-friend Tavia [howu howu!! inside joke] asked me to be her date
Dancing was crazy and fun - I'm awkward :) - and Tavia likes to be in the middle of all the action
Crazy girl!! It gets so hot in the epicenter of dances!
By the end of the night we christened each other with the names
"Co-Fiance" and "Co-Boyfriend"
since our respective dudes could not be there with us that night

Here's what they missed out on ---- allllll this :)
[boarder courtesy of the picture-taking team that night]

I went for the typical "Jesus in fine art" colors of purple and gold [shoes too!]
Tavia went for black and pink.... gothic Barbie colors?? Maybe? 
whatever look she was going for - she rocked it and looked simply smashing
Her other date [playa, playa!] Jen made her hair look crazy gorgeous from the back as well
It's hard being surrounded by such beautiful, talented, cool, awesome ladies at Prin

Speaking of being surrounded by beautiful ladies.....

I'm in the back... cause I'm that awesome height thats too tall to be in the short row.... 
and yet too short to be seen from the back where the short people send you

Obviously it's a tough life I do lead ;P

Here's the rest of the pickies!!
[obligatory "funny" picture - where clearly Tavia and I panicked and gave peace signs???]

The theme of this picture is "undressing" because we're Principians and we like to be 
[gasp!] SHOCKING