Lucia needs to make a gratitude list....
Why? You may ask?
Because I'm sitting in my room on Saturday with no car and I just texted Doug this:
Not cool, me, not cool :/
I'm gonnu write down what I'm grateful for so I can see how much it is:
[also listen to this]
- Going to college
- to go off that --> almost being DONE with college
- Having a single
- Getting the chance to change my academic/capstone advisor
- Which in turn allows me to change my capstone topic [getting excited!]
- Being able to study the subject that I love and adore so much: Art History
- All the help that I've received financially either from Mum, or grants and loans,
in order to go to school
- Spending the summer in Boston - my second home [1st is Doug :)]
- Meeting Doug
- How our parents seemed to raise us to be completely perfect for each other
[i hope readers don't totally yak from that!]
- That Doug admitted to loving me more even after a fight [wowza, right?!]
- Discovering how amazing grilled cheeses can be by using
provolone cheese and sourdough bread
- How cupcake shops became all the rage a few years ago
- Milk [yep, thats it]
- My racquetball gym class at 9am.... its actually really fun
- My majorly hardcore, sweat-inducing, advanced-feeling circuit training
gym class at 8am [thats right - two gyms a day in one quarter -
thank you graduation requirements???]
- Art
- Cute, funny things Doug does when we're just hangin' out
making me smile about them for days, even weeks, after :)
- Color
- How good Doug looks in a suit [insert whatever "sexy noise"
you want here --> it can be a whistle, cat call, purr noise,
spanish tongue rolly thing, anything]
- Movies
- J.Crew
- My newly discovered twisty, easy, no-straightening-required hairstyle
- My school's C-store [convenience store] thats open from 12pm to 2am -
my persistent missing of meal times makes this place a lifesaver
- Tortilla Jack Chicken night at school - this last one Doug came for a visit
it's that good
- Luna Bars
- NOT throwing up during circuit training
- Collages
- String Cheese
- The dvd's Natalie left me when she moved to Australia
- .... Natalie moving back to the states after our wedding [I gottu have her back!]
- Our Wedding :) [coming soon]
- Getting better at saying scary words like: Marriage, Engaged,
Wedding, Children, Babies, etc
- Doug being a wonderful fiance and taking care of a lot of wedding stuff
while I'm hitting the books
- My Mum
- Doug's Mum
- Doug's funny Dad
- All of my Dad that's left in me
- My beautiful sisters
- My awesome future brother-in-law
- The Red Sox winning the 2011 World Series [its gonna happen]
- The knowledge that I could benefit from GAINING weight in order to
fit better in my wedding dress, making me the ONLY future bride in the
WORLD who can say that
- With that being said --> animal crackers and chocolate frosting
- Finding that little book in a little shop in Maine titled something like
"Everything a Father Should Teach his Daughter", and seeing that
my Dad had done ALL of those things - years and years
before the copyright year :)
- Snail Mail
- Dates with Doug
- Knowing I get to date Doug, my best friend in the whole wide world
for the rest of my life :)
...... I think you get the picture..... I could go on forever! I feel a lot better about my day, I think I'll continue working on my capstone - but this time it'll be with a smile on my face rather than a 4-year-old-esque pout
PS: Engagement Photo Sesh happening next weekend - get ready to see!!