Thursday, December 15, 2011

4 Finals Down - Finalizing Capstone To Go!

My experience at this college is a couple hours from being complete!

post-script: I can't wait to brag to you guys about the presents 
I received from my wonderful advisor :)

here's some hints:

post-post-script: Man I hope this capstone paper comes out well
a lot of blood, sweat and tears went into it 
[maybe not tears, unless it was me crying about not getting any sleep....]

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Capstone Update: Part III


Page Count - 31 pages [awww yeah]
Footnotes - i have no idea anymore, sent it and closed it
How do i feel about the paper - it's probably really bad..... i still have time to edit, at least it's all out there
Last intake of food - never - dorito's and ice-cream at 2 in the morning gave me a bit of a stomach ache :(
How's my body - back feels totally broken
Freak out - when the file was so large [45 pages total including images and bibliography] that the email could not handle loading it and took like 3 minutes...... thats FOREVER to a sleep deprived student at 6 in the morning

I'm gonnu go zonk out now :)

Capstone Update: Part II

I would so much like to be asleep right now.....

So far:

Page Count - almost 15 pages single-spaced [and only have about 4 more paragraphs to complete]
Footnotes - 37
Awakeness - I accidentally closed my eyes for about 5 minutes

Last food intake - a few ranch doritos, and only one ice-cream 
[yep the other one is now totally melted]
Last fun activity - watched 5 minutes of Shrek before I finished my snack 
and had to keep writing
Last exposure to extreme cold - walking to the bathroom 
[someone must've left a window open, grrrrr]
Current Hairstyle - smooshed into my pillow backrest [hence no picture]
Last Freak Out - eating a dorito with no stuff on it, enraging because it doesn't become a tortilla chip.... it just becomes, gross
Predicted reaction to a spontaneous hard drive crash - I'd put myself to sleep [to end my misery AND get some shut eye]

Capstone Status: Part I

I can't fall asleep......
So my plan is to update the blog every two hours so that I hold myself 
accountable for what I've done

So far:

Page Count - 13 pages single-spaced [must be at least 30 pages double-spaced]
Footnotes - 32

Awakeness --------->
(not good)

[haven't eaten photographed goodies yet]

Last food intake - Supper (burrito)
Last fun activity - watched "The Office" whilst eating said burrito
Last exposure to extreme cold - 5 minutes ago when I walked to C-Store to get tasty treats
Current Hairstyle - bun on the top of my head
(cause when I catch a glimpse in the mirror I laugh a little)
Last Freak Out - finding all my stupid grammar mistakes and disorganization issues while I work.... knowing my advisor has a copy of this dubbed "I'm An Idiot Paper"
Predicted reaction to a spontaneous hard drive crash - I'd cry until Sunday

That's all I can think about with my updates
plus the mini-ice-creams are melting....

Friday, December 9, 2011

Felt like an old fart...

when I had to look up the meaning of "TTC" that I had seen in someone's comment to something or other - my thinking being that I was just simply not catching up with all these "crazy kids" and their "crazy lingo"...... only to find out:

TTC stands for "Trying to Conceive"....

so I'm not an old fart AND I'm not trying to get pregnant - YAY!!!

feeling much better :)

:( until I realize sadly that I'm posting at midnight when I should be desperately trying to finish my capstone so I can actually have a weekend - going back to work on it riiiiight NOW!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Last Day of School this Wednesday!!!!

I'm done with the college at 12:30pm on Wednesday December 14th
..... which means I have no time to post [if you haven't noticed]

also I look like this all the time while I write my capstone in bed:

Nice, right?

I just can't wait to be done!!!