I can't fall asleep......
So my plan is to update the blog every two hours so that I hold myself
accountable for what I've done
So far:
Page Count - 13 pages single-spaced [must be at least 30 pages double-spaced]
Footnotes - 32
Awakeness --------->
(not good)
[haven't eaten photographed goodies yet]
Last food intake - Supper (burrito)
Last fun activity - watched "The Office" whilst eating said burrito
Last exposure to extreme cold - 5 minutes ago when I walked to C-Store to get tasty treats
Current Hairstyle - bun on the top of my head
(cause when I catch a glimpse in the mirror I laugh a little)
Last Freak Out - finding all my stupid grammar mistakes and disorganization issues while I work.... knowing my advisor has a copy of this dubbed "I'm An Idiot Paper"
Predicted reaction to a spontaneous hard drive crash - I'd cry until Sunday
That's all I can think about with my updates
plus the mini-ice-creams are melting....