Monday, May 30, 2011

Best-Birthday-Gifting-Fiance Award

Goes to me :)

because of this, BAM:

Yeah, I got a bona-fide stuffed Chicago pizza delivered to our little college this past weekend.
Those who don't know what a stuffed pizza entails, check it:

Perfect amount of sauce on top
CHEESE and delicious toppings [pepperoni in our case]

I was all sneaky-sneakster this week - though I did tell him that I got him something that was being sent here and that I couldn't wait to give it to him..... and I called dibs on him for friday night supper time :)
I don't think he knew

So while I was at my job in the copy center.... not doing work, I quickly started brainstorming on how I could make this gift giving experience more enjoyable for Doug on the beginning to his b-day weekend

This was all I found...... my thoughts: "Lets do this!"

BOOM!! A horribly wrapped delicious frozen pizza all for my favorite boy in the whole wide world

Complete with:

[That's Doug in Chicago Bears font ;)]

And this too!

I think I did pretty good with two choices of permanent marker colors and some crinkly white paper. Doug liked it when he unwrapped it - hugged me for like ten minutes :)
And we enjoyed it when we cooked it that night - many friends partook in some bites - Doug said he felt like a drug dealer handing out free samples of crack - Hopefully all our friends are hooked so we can someday all meet up in good ol' Chi Town

I think Doug had a pretty stellar birthday weekend - eating Giordano's, going to college movie festivals, writing papers on a Saturday (a SATURDAY!!!), a successful Luau/Rumpus [doug was Mr. Grill all night, while I was Miss Drinks for about five minutes], chuch [where doug and the men of Lowery gave their collection money in nickels - $20 worth], Imo's, and Kung Fu Panda 2

One More Week - lets go out with a bang!!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I'm Gonnu Chick Out for a Second

I don't normally do this

I love baseball, I enjoy and understand most sports, I try on no more than one pair of shoes whilst shoe shopping, I never go to the mall "for fun", I burp so loudly I can usually blame it on Doug, and I'd rather be muddy than covered in body glitter....

But when I found this store online I threw a bit of a chick fit

I mean, check out this stuff!
Little milk bottles to drink milk from with cupcakes and cutesy stripey straws!! Even if I was alone with this I'd be the happiest little clam alive!

Everything and anything you could ever want to throw the most adorable party ever is found right here
Look at this:

Cutesy cupcake wrappers
[cough] Carolyn [cough]

Bakery boxes [cough] Carolyn!

And ice cream cups!!
[cough] uhhhhhh, me - this one's for me :)

This place was adorable and got me to do that girly squeal an ungodly amount of times[maybe four? oh man]. Girls who like parties and/or cooking and guys comfortable with their sexuality - check this place out!

PS: The madre's husband calls me "Lulu Bell" sometimes - and while his response is usually a face of annoyance - I feel a weird bond to the name and this store now that we've found each other :)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Anyone catch that sunset Monday night???

Cause WE DID!!!
I was just sitting on my bed, my back facing our window when Doug came in at 8:00 saying "Come outside please"
I am so glad he did that because we got to watch this:

 I loved that it was always changing
Here are some of my favorite shots!

[see all the buggies!!!]

And I love these time-lapse shots of the island that looks like a toothbrush :)


When it was over ....
I went to my room and tried to not scratch the 20 mosquito bites I got from this little excursion

Exhibit A:

Close up!! [warning: did not shave for this]
it's like a third knee...... grosssssss

Exhibit B didn't do the bite justice so I won't include - sorry folks - no more disgusting pictures for your eyes to feast on [mmmm, did you like that combination of words??] 

Lets end on a good note :)
Enjoy Sunrises when you can everyone - they're lots of fun

[successful sneak attack on my part ;)]

We DID party on a Monday

As I said in my post about Carolyn's B-day bash on Saturday
We had some plans...

As Robert Burns once said, "the best laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft a-gley"

Our plans gang aft a-gley hardcore!!
But I won't get into it... what I will say is that we did NOT get to go to Red Robin

So we had some make-up partying to do and we decided to do it on Carolyn's actual birthday
At the Pub
Here is us:

Our cool friends :P [is Matt trying to put Brett's head wound on display? I think so]
The Birthday Girl!!! and this is what I get for saying "smile!".... wrong!!
Tamara's walking on the table! This party is OUT OF CONTROL!!! 
Long table, many order numbers, good times to be had :)
Again - I say smile, yet I get this...

Much better :)

We asked Mark to take a "Roomie Photo" for us
and he failed
three times! ..... his new name is Stupid-Mark

Aaaaand like all good parties, I cam home finding foreign objects down my shirt.... stupid boys

Gushy Gusher Time:
I like this girl a lot :) A lot a lot, and I'm really starting to hate that looming ominous graduation date coming closer and closer to existence :( but hopefully I can finish all the papers I must write so I can hang out with this lovely lady. I'm not gonnu gush too much cause I believe that some of my love for people should be kept to me - and them as long as I'm good at showing it. 

Happy B-Night Last Night

I love that we can be totally crazy sometimes and ladies wearing pearls and drinking tea at others. 
I love laughing with her - her laugh is SOOOO contagious and can last up to 20 minutes ;)
And I love when we accidentally do the same silly things like this picture captures - we're checking ourselves cause we're LADIES
I also love that I have more pictures with her than I do with Doug - 48 to 29 - she is winning Douglas!

All in All - I love Carolyn a bunch and a half :)

Monday, May 23, 2011


Alas my weekly change of Dewi's background has become week-and-a-halfly change this time around, sorry guys. 
Here's my choice, and I have reasons.

 1) I've been listening to a lot of "Les Miserables" [NOT coldplay] lately...and the moment I look at this painting I hear "Do You Hear the People Sing?" *loudly* in my head [we saw it in New York live when I was little, loudly is the only way I know it]
2) How [for lack of a better word] bad ass does this woman look?! I know she's meant to be an allegory for liberty, and allegorical figures are most always women, but still - she is a female hero who is motivating and strong - and I like that
3) It's hard to look at - yes Liberty is beautiful but we're looking at some pretty gruesome stuff here - such is war, and I like that Delacroix didn't shy away from that
4) [gasp] Tish! It's French!!! *kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss* ;)

Giving credit where credit is due: Eugène Delacroix, Liberty Leading the People, 1830

It's in The Louvre - I hope to meet it someday :)

Also - some of you may be thinking: "But Lucia, this is far too much breast for you to be looking at for the oncoming week!" I say absolutely not, because 

was my first choice [It's a crazy myth, but this quiet painting makes it look like a beautiful love story (I'm a sucker for *embracing* images) plus the curve of her back is insane and beautiful]
and THIS my friends would have been a lot of *Butt*, just plain butt, and I could not get around it. It would be like I was getting mooned every time I opened my computer - whereas breasts in art are hardly shocking anymore....

Pardon all the bathroom words,
Such is Art ;)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Happy Birthday to my Girl :)

This is Carolyn Thorsen

If Stevie Wonder's "Isn't She Lovely" started playing in your head whilst looking at this picture, don't be alarmed - it's cause she's so lovely! :)

Today is the day we celebrate her [even though her real b-day is on Monday, but who can really party thoroughly on a Monday?? Correct! No one!] Here's the plan:

~ We drive far far far away from Elsah, Illinois ~
~ We eat all we possibly can at Red Robin ~
~ We may make time to stop at World Market and get some international candy! ~
~ We laugh and scream and cry and chuckle and gasp and cheer while we watch "Pirates of the Caribbean 4"~ 

I'm gonnu get my camera and try and document this amazing time - and perhaps I may gush about my hilarious, thoughtful, genius, on the ball, strong and CARAZY roommate [oops, teaser ;)] in the next post. 

Also - soak it in, you're gonnu be seeing her in Doug-cia's wedding in like a year.... ooooohooo that's so fun to say!