Goes to me :)
because of this, BAM:
Yeah, I got a bona-fide stuffed Chicago pizza delivered to our little college this past weekend.
Those who don't know what a stuffed pizza entails, check it:
Perfect amount of sauce on top
CHEESE and delicious toppings [pepperoni in our case]
I was all sneaky-sneakster this week - though I did tell him that I got him something that was being sent here and that I couldn't wait to give it to him..... and I called dibs on him for friday night supper time :)
I don't think he knew
So while I was at my job in the copy center.... not doing work, I quickly started brainstorming on how I could make this gift giving experience more enjoyable for Doug on the beginning to his b-day weekend
This was all I found...... my thoughts: "Lets do this!"
BOOM!! A horribly wrapped delicious frozen pizza all for my favorite boy in the whole wide world
Complete with:
[That's Doug in Chicago Bears font ;)]
And this too!
I think I did pretty good with two choices of permanent marker colors and some crinkly white paper. Doug liked it when he unwrapped it - hugged me for like ten minutes :)
And we enjoyed it when we cooked it that night - many friends partook in some bites - Doug said he felt like a drug dealer handing out free samples of crack - Hopefully all our friends are hooked so we can someday all meet up in good ol' Chi Town
I think Doug had a pretty stellar birthday weekend - eating Giordano's, going to college movie festivals, writing papers on a Saturday (a SATURDAY!!!), a successful Luau/Rumpus [doug was Mr. Grill all night, while I was Miss Drinks for about five minutes], chuch [where doug and the men of Lowery gave their collection money in nickels - $20 worth], Imo's, and Kung Fu Panda 2!
One More Week - lets go out with a bang!!!